# Early Career Researchers Applying to Participate in the project #
Farming for Climate Justice — Transforming Policy and Practice Towards Agroecological Transitions for Resilient and Just Food and Farming Systems in a Changing Climate — brings together a cohort of committed early career researchers (ECRs) from the UK and South Africa to build capacity and transform thinking and research practice for just food and farming systems. Together with a transdisciplinary team of experienced researchers from the Centre for Agroecology, Water & Resilience at Coventry University & the Bio-economy Research Chair at University of Cape Town (UCT) this collective will push at the boundaries, bringing the importance of participatory, collaborative and engaged research approaches to the fore.
To launch the project, we kick off with a series of 3 webinars that are open to ALL researchers, activists and practitioners (or any combination of these) interested in transforming global food systems.